This feature focuses on the outstanding women at our partnered companies.
Throughout the years, thousands of women have demonstrated excellence through showing up and leading others, just as women before them did. The strong women leaders in the workplace deserve to be recognized during Women’s History Month. We are thrilled that our partners have contributed to the celebration by giving us the opportunity to showcase examples of strong women leaders within their organizations. Each feature shared with us professional advice to being a leader, staying inspired, and more!
Innovation is rooted in curiosity.
For Amanda Holman, it is the inquisitiveness of her colleagues along with their mutual desire to seek out why and how, that compels her enthusiasm about her job with Brad’s Deals. Currently, Holman works as a Senior Data Analyst for Brads Deals, directing her team to make data-informed decisions. She shared her take on what is an important mindset to have for a great career.

“Being curious is very important, but being willing to spend the time to figure something out–even if it is just 30 minutes–will take you a long way. It is so easy to do the bare minimum, but it doesn’t help you become a trusted expert nor does it help the organization in the long run. Small organizations really do rely on the drive and ambition of its employees because it may not have the technology or additional people power to throw at problems or operations. You can learn a lot of technical and people skills in small organizations that larger ones sometimes can’t because they have the resources to delegate these tasks and interactions to others.“
Amanda Holman (she/her), Sr. Data Analyst – Brads Deals
See open roles at Brads Deals.
Leadership is for women.
“Be each other’s biggest cheerleaders. If you’re in a leadership position, make sure you pay it forward and bring others up with you.”
Autumn Schultz (she/her), Director of Experience Design – Rocket Travel
Autumn Schultz works for Rocket Travel as their Director of Experience Design. A big part of her experience at Rocket Travel has been experiencing strong leadership by women. She attributes this to her leadership style. It has inspired her to go against the norm, lean more into her strengths, and to look at things from her own unique perspective. According to Schultz, women professionals should support each other at each step of their careers.
See open roles at Rocket Travel.
Jealousy preludes inspiration.
Liz Hagelthorn finds it very motivating to have the possibility during her day that something will happen that might make a good story. Hagelthorn empowers herself in her role as Director of Social & Content at Coil by incorporating storytelling. She draws inspiration from the many creative and smart people she has encountered throughout her very successful business career. The root of her inspirations is not jealousy, but something closer to it. Hagelthorn uses a Willy Wonka anecdote to explain her stance.

“Being inspired or learning from someone is a complicated thing that I like to compare to Augustus Gloops from the movie Willy Wonka. Augustus was the rich chubby boy who drowned in the chocolate river because he wanted to eat all of the candy.”
Liz Hagelthorn, Director of Social & Content — Coil
Augustus had it all, but was still dissatisfied. That is why he ignored the bigger picture, a situation we find ourselves in very often. As Hagelthorn suggests, people who see others in positions of opportunity often become envious and do anything it takes to be those people. This jealousy can be very motivational. The starting point for being inspired is jealousy. What keeps you from staying a jealous person and apathetic to inspiration is how much you love yourself.
Inspired by dedication, resiliency, and change.
The policy work done at Issue One is enough motivation for Chief of Development, Anne Snouck-Hurgronje to stay empowered. She finds it satisfying to contribute to social change while learning about new ways to fight injustice. Inspired by her work with amazing people, Snouck- Hurgronje knows first-hand the resiliency and dedication it takes to be an agent of change. Her advice to other professional women is to stand strong in their path to success. The ability to be selfish in your career sets you apart from those who make their career fulfilling for others.

“Don’t jump at the menial tasks if they aren’t part of your job description out of an instinct of ‘wanting to be helpful.’ Think ahead about your long term goals professionally and how they and their timing will affect and be affected by your personal or family life. Keep your eye on your workplace to make sure you are receiving equitable compensation and treatment – don’t be paranoid, just keep your eyes and ears open and build a network of other career women with whom you can compare notes.”
Anne Snouck-Hurgronje, Chief of Development — Issue One